Incident Management

Incident Management ensures the restorement of services, based on defined Service Level Agreements. It also aims to reduce negative effects of incidents, e.g. through workarounds.


Incidents are unplanned interruptions of services or loss of its quality. Also an outage of Configuration Items, which do not have an impairment to IT services is an incident.


Incident Management follows the following activities:

When an incident has been close, the following items must be verified:

  • Categorization must be correct
  • User acceptance and satisfaction
  • Documentation must be updated
  • Evaluation if a Problem Ticket must be created

The Service Desk is one of the must important roles within this discipline:

  • Service Desk is the owner of the ticket
  • Service Desk controls tickets of users
  • Service Desk closes tickets
  • Users resolves the opened issue

Critical Success Factors

  • CSF: Ability to restore services as quickly as possible
    • KPI: Average resolution times based on impact code
    • KPI: First-resolution rate of Service Desk
    • KPI: Amount of solved Incidents without impairment
  • CSF: Preservation of the quality of IT Services
    • KPI: Total amount of Incidents as reference
    • KPI: Size of Incident non-processed backlog
    • KPI: Amount or percentage of Major Incidents, based on Services
  • CSF: Preservation of user satisfaction
    • KPI: Average user rating for provided support
    • KPI: Amount of replyies for surveys