Lufthansa: Booking Codes
due to recent travel activities with Lufthansa, I noticed internal fare codes. As it was hard finding a mapping and understanding of these codes, I want to share gathered insights: Booking Class Booking Class Miles Upgrade(long haul) Miles Uprade(Short/Mid haul) Award & Upgrade(no miles) First Class F, A 300% – O Business Class C, J,…
Leadership Programs
I recently noticed a program at my current employer called xplorer Leadership, which officially focuses on contributing to custom education for leaders or people who aim in the same direction. After filling out some self assessment, you might come into a recall. I like the approach, as you destinguish between motivated people and someone who…
SSH Tunneling
SSH Tunneling can be used for different purposes. You can tunnel your HTTP traffic to receive a certain IP address in order to hide your public IP. In other scenarios, SSH tunneling is used to use the Jump-Server concept, for having a single server to access all relevant other servers. Within my own network, I…
SSH Key-Formats
Most people get to know cryptography when they are asked for their SSH key to gain access to accounts on servers (e.g. in Linux or UNIX environments). As there are some differences, which seem to confuse people, I would like to documen the differences between the RSA Public Key formats. RFC 4716 and StackOverflow provides further input…
Java Performance Tuning
If you have ever thought about Java technology for you application landscapen, you might have been in touch with the usual Java performance topic. One big part on this topic is the configuration of the Java Garbage Collector (GC). There are several articels about this topic; my favorite one is from cubrid.org, which separated the topic into…
Java Logging Facade
Recently I implemented a small Java application to gain some insights into my teams performance. The result is a dashboard which indicates issues within the following sectors: Based on the gathered data, the dashboard can be enriched to provide recommendations for counter measures which aim the resolution of those issues. This could be used to replace…