IT Service Continuity Management

IT Service Continuity Management is responsible for the service availability in disaster situations.


The scope is the same as for Availability Management, but extended for disaster situations. Therefore some services have a special or high availability through clustering or multiple locations.


The main activity of IT Service Continuity Management lays within the definition, planning, realization and testing of backup plans:

Typical recovery options are:

  • Manual workarounds
  • Mutual agreements
  • Gradual recovery
    e.g. Priority 4 (> 72 hours), through cold standby
  • Switfly recovery
    e.g. Priority 3 (24 – 72 hours), through warm standby
  • Rapid recovery
    e.g. Priority 2 (< 24 hours), through hot standby
  • Immediate recovery
    e.g. Priority 1 (no consierable outage), thorugh clustering

Critical Success Factors

The followed items are examples:

  • CSF: IT Services are provided and can be recovered to achieve business aims
    • KPI: Test and audit results exists
    • KPI: Regular reviews are executed
    • KPI: Reduced business risks
  • CSF: The whole organization is aware about given Business Continuity Plans and IT Service Continuity Plans
    • KPI: Increasing awareness for Continuity plans of employees and management
    • KPI: Test and audit results are known