Event Handling

Event Handling is responsible for the identification of events and definition of the required activities to support the warranty of services.


Event Handling can highly increase the stability of services, as issues are identified early; therefore service incidents might be already analyzed before a ticket has been opened. Through automatization of Event Handling it is further possible to increase the productivity of employees, as incidents can automatically be created and resolved based ond events. This also enables Monitoring-by-Exception concepts, which only inform service operations in case of failures (like in cockpits of planes). Based on gathered events, pattern can be identified and services stabilized through Change Management.

An event itself is a change in status, which is relvant for the management ofa Configuration Item or IT service.


The main activity of Event Handling is the monitoring and taking care of any upcomming event:

Critical Success Factors

  • CSF: Ability to notice any change of status, which is important for the management of configuration items or services
    • KPI: Amount of events and their ratio to incidents
    • KPI: Amount or percentage of event types per platform, application or service
  • CSF: Ability to provide triggers for Service Operations processes and activities
    • KPI: Amount or percentage of events, which required a manual action
  • CSF: Ability to provide a commitments for service warranties, -reports or -improvements
    • KPI: Amount of repeated events, which provide insights into the quality of the correlation engine