Service Transition

Service Transition continually improves and alignes services on business needs. The efficency can be measured by:

  • Amount of IT plans, which are aligned to business plans
    e.g. deployments which are execute outside of service hours
  • Percentage of planning meetings with stakeholders
    e.g. to align interested between multiple stakeholders
  • Percentage of Service Transition plans, which are alligned with Service Transition policies

Therefore Service Transition describes and recommends policies, to improve the alignment. Those policies should be integrated, reliable and based on business requirements and can be adressed based on the following topics:

  • Definition of a formal approac for Service Transition based on best practices
    e.g. to focus re-usability and scaleability
  • Alignment and communication with business and all other stakeholders
    e.g. to include all relevant parties for decisions (also work councils)
  •  Proactive quality management
    e.g. based on iSTQB for test management
  • Early planning and a coordinated take-over into operations
    e.g. to avoid planning meetings without Service Operations